COPE Course #47907-PB/ COPE Event #109976
1 CE credit available.
Instructor: : Naida Jakirlic, OD, FAAO, Assistant Professor, Western University of Health Sciences College of Optometry
As mandated reporters of child abuse by law, optometrists must be familiar with the signs and behaviors exhibited by abused children, as well as the necessary steps required to make a report to the appropriate authorities.
Course learning objectives:
1. Identify child rights that must be fulfilled by every parent/caregiver
2. Define the four main types of child abuse/maltreatment
3. Recognize signs and symptoms of child abuse
4. Identify the common risk and protective factors linked to child abuse
5. Describe California state laws pertaining to child abuse and mandated reporting
6. Identify child abuse training and reporting resources
Your registration fee entitles you to 30 days of unlimited access to a lecture presentation recorded by Professor Jakirlic. To see a brief demo of one of our lecture presentations, select Demo (requires Flash). Your subscription also includes unlimited access to the post test, which you can take as many times as you need to in order to pass the course.
Your subscription also includes unlimited access to the posttest, which you can take as many times as you need to in order to pass the course.Click the “Add to cart” button to sign up for this course. If you have not registered for a course before, an email will be sent to you with your new account information so you can log into the course anytime during the subscription period.