Neural Visual Postural Posttest, Level 3-2017

Neuro-Visual Processing Optometric Rehabilitation and Visual Postural Dysfunction Following a Neurological Event Posttest, Level 3

This Posttest consists of 93 Multiple Choice questions. For each question, indicate the single, best answer from among the choices given. There is no time limit for completing the test. You must answer at least 71 of the questions correctly (70%) to successfully pass the course and claim your CE credits. Once you've submitted your answers, the posttest will be automatically scored and the results summarized.  If you don't pass the test on your first attempt, you can retake the test to improve your score. Click the link to review the Course Summary for this course. NOTE: While you can use any source you wish to complete the exam, the final answers you submit must be based on your own work.

    Western University of Health Sciences